俸正杰 Feng Zhengjie @ Singapore Art Museum

Feng Zhengjie has differently represented the self within society with the colours of his palette. His colours display emotions of joy and elation, but also create feelings of misgiving and unease. Even as his paintings depict traditional symbols with exaggerated gaiety, they also critique the excesses of contemporary China. They point out the contradictions of a society that treads uncomfortably between the dual systems of capitalism and Communism. As we contemplate his works, we realize that his colours of cheer and festivity possess an ominous aura that is unsettling, and even unearthly.

Since 2000, Feng Zhengjie has been producing large scale oil portraits of glamorous women. His fashionable subjects which are presented in close-up and rendered with almost air-brushed precision have a dual effect on the viewer. On one hand, the enticing hues attract the viewer’s contemplation. Meanwhile, these acidic tones also create a sense of unease, and raise questions about the definition of beauty and its relationship to surface and vanity. The trademark diverging eyes of the women make their expressions difficult to read. They can appear empty or frivolous, or mysterious and elusive. Simultaneously enchanting and repellant, these portraits suggest the contradictions of an emotionally complex, individual existence in a superficial consumer society.
“我真正想表達的東西,其實嚴格說起來與流行文化沒關系, 我的作品更關心今天的人的內心狀態, 就是內心與港行形象的外表有一點冲突的一種狀態.這才重要,其他的只是表面的顏色或形象而已。
東西隱藏了, 並不等於它就沒有了,因為我用了一種非常漂亮的表面去粉飾人的行為,所以它背後的和表面的東西其實是張力更强的。”

“正因為要追求完美, 可能要失去或放棄很多東西,這本身就矛盾, 放棄了,還叫完美嗎? 是幻覺的, 甚至是假的,才能說它是真正完美的東西。 The pursuit of perfection includes giving up other things. This in itself is a contradiction. Can there be ‘perfection’ when there is loss? It is the illusory or even falsehood that can be said to be truly perfect. ”
- 俸正杰Feng Zhengjie
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