上星期日,在新加坡去了3個博物館及The Arts House。新加坡是一個多文化的國家,容納不同族裔 ,並沒有以單一族裔為主,尊重其他民族文化。 

其實政府鼓勵藝術發展,不一定須要建築大形西九龍文娛中心,只要多配合文化人的活動及行政上方便/支持他們自由發展,都已不錯。 例如:多讓本地藝術家與外國藝術家交流;支助文化活動廣告費用;或減少/免場地租用費等。

National Museum of Singapore:看完他的booklet後,決定不入去Galleries參觀...但那門口的大衛象及在2樓搖擺的燈,亦很有趣。
Asian Civilisations Museum:Singapore River Gallery, Sourtheast Asia Galleries , West Asia/Islamic Galleries, China Gallery, and South Asia Galleries.
The Arts House:The oldest historia government building designated as a multi-disciplinary performing arts centre. Constructed originally in 1827 as a home for a Scottish merchant, the building became an integral part of nationa's growth instead, serving as Singapore's first Court House, Assembly House, and Parliament House, before re-opening its doors to the public on 26 March 2004, as the Arts House. (Printed on the brochure). 那天有小形學生流行音樂會,所以很多學生。
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