故事簡介 : 1915年12月19日伊蒂琵雅芙(Edith Piaf)生於巴黎的一個貧困家庭,父親是馬戲團團員,母親是街頭歌女,父母離異後,因為母親無力撫養她,父親又參軍,只好讓她跟著一個經營妓院的親戚在巴黎長大,從小就接觸社會最底層的人群。她身高只有1米46,這就是為什麼她取藝名為「小麻雀」(Piaf),她說話粗俗,個性爽朗,歌如其人,她的多數作品反映了其悲劇的一生,最著名的歌曲包括玫瑰色的人生《La Vie en Rose》(1946)、愛的禮讚《Hymne à l'amour》(1949)、我的老爺《Milord》(1959)和我無怨無悔《Non, je ne regrette rien》(1960)。中年患上肌肉萎縮症影響演出,但她為了不令大量慕名而來的觀眾失望,竟然靠注射嗎啡來抑制疼痛,才得以站在舞臺上繼續為觀眾演唱,直至最後一場演出昏厥於舞臺上,1963年10月11日死於嘎斯(Grasse),終年48歲,法蘭西共和國為她舉行了國葬,使她成為國家的標誌。
Grasse – 此地以製造香水聞名 – 盛產玫瑰, 位於法國南部 。
Comments from fpc:
French film " La Vie En Rose " with many nice songs was recommended .
If you have good memory, you could remember that I've told you about Eidth Piaf from Tao Jie's article long time ago. He said that her songs and her life were remembered with eternal gratitude (刻骨銘心 ).
And the song " La Vie En Rose ", which was written by her , it' s as well known as the National Song of French " 馬賽曲" 。
Miraculously, the actress , Marion Cotillard, looks like real Eidth Piaf . The film let me think about Anita Mui 梅艷芳. They have more or less similar living in their life.
If you have good memory, you could remember that I've told you about Eidth Piaf from Tao Jie's article long time ago. He said that her songs and her life were remembered with eternal gratitude (刻骨銘心 ).
And the song " La Vie En Rose ", which was written by her , it' s as well known as the National Song of French " 馬賽曲" 。
Miraculously, the actress , Marion Cotillard, looks like real Eidth Piaf . The film let me think about Anita Mui 梅艷芳. They have more or less similar living in their life.
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